Write a letter to your friend congratulation him on his brilliant success in the examination | Letter Writing
Write a letter to your friend congratulation him for his brilliant success in the examination.
Write a letter to your friend congratulation him for his brilliant success in the examination.
My Dear "Rahim",
At first, you will take my Salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. I received your letter yesterday. From your letter, I came to know about your brilliant result in PSC/GSC. You have got GPA-5. I congratulate you on your brilliant result. My parents are also happy to know this. We hope you will make such a good result in the future.
No more today. Take care. You will be happy in life. Best of luck. I will write soon again. Goodbye.
Your Loving Friend
From, To,
Rony Rahim
Dhaka Manikganj
Rony Rahim
Dhaka Manikganj
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