Write a letter to your friend telling him about your aim in life or future plan in life | Letter Writing
Write a letter to your friend telling him about your aim in life.
My Dear Rahim,
At first, you will take my Salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter, you wanted to know about my aim in life. Today I am going to tell you about my aim in life. Aim in life or future plan in life is also known as a goal or purpose in life. Everyone should have a fixed aim in life. Different men have different aim. Some want to be a doctor, some want to be a businessman, some want to be an actor, some want to be a teacher and so on. Education is the backbone of a nation. I want to remove illiteracy from the society and educate our people by being a teacher. Teaching is a noble profession. I want to serve nation through proper teaching. I thing when our students will be properly educated, they can remove our poverty. In order to fulfill my aim, I have to acquire some degrees. After passing my S.S.C and H.S.C exam, I will try to get Honor's and Master's degree. The aim in life is really important. Life is not a bed of roses. An aimless life likes a rudderless boat. So, I have to try my best to fulfill my aim. By the grace of Almighty Allah, I will take necessary steps in filling my aim.
No more today. Take care. You will be happy in life. Best of luck. I will write soon again. Goodbye.
Rony Rahim
Manikganj Dhaka
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