Write a letter to your mother/father informing him/her about your results | Letter Writing


Write a letter to your mother/father informing him/her about your results.



My Dear Father/Mother,

At first, you will take my Salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. Now I am very happy. You will be very glad to know that our annual exam results had been published yesterday. I stood first place. I got A+ in all subjects. I got a nice gift. My friend Md. Rahim stood second. Please pray for me.

No more today. Take care. You will be happy in life. Best of luck. I will write soon again. Goodbye.

Your Loving Son 

From,                                               To,
Rana                                                  Rahim/kotha
Dhaka                                                Manikganj    


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