Email about bad effects of copying in the exam || Write a Email to your friend about bad effects of copying in the exam.


Write an email to your friend about bad effects of copying in the exam.



Subject: Bad effects of copying in the exam.

My Dear Rahim,
At first, you will take my Salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well by the grace of Allah. I received your email yesterday. In your email, you told me, your final exam is knocking at the door. But your preparation is not good.  You also told me, you want to copy in the exam. But I think, you do not know the bad effects of copying in the exam.

I am very sorry to say that your decision is not good. it is a very bad habit.  It is also dangerous. By copying, no one can answer perfectly. They also can't acquire good marks in the exam. Besides, they suffer in the long run. Actually, the bad effect of copying in the exam will destroy your beautiful life. Adopting unfair means in the exam may make you pass temporarily but you will fail to manage a good job. If you are caught copying in the exam, you must be expelled from the exam. It also decreases your social value. So, be careful and you have to study hard. 

No more today. Take care. You will be happy in life. Best of luck. I will write soon again. Goodbye.

Yours Loving

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