Helping Others Story in English | Completing Story | Story Writing | Learning Story The Easy Way


Helping Others
One day a boy named Rahim was coming home from his school on foot. Suddenly, he noticed a money bag lying beside the road. He thought for a while. He picked up the bag and opened it. He found a good number of 1000 taka notes in it.
He became surprised. He could not understand what to do. After a while, he set up his mind. He did not count the notes, rather he rushed towards the police station which was near the spot. He informed the police officer of everything. The police officer opened the bag and found a cell number there. He talked to the person who lost the money bag. The man came to the police station. He became happy when he got back the money. Rakib was awarded by the man.

Moral of the story:  Helping Others.

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