The Age of Sensibility in English Literature | Features, Writers and Literary works || Learning The Easy Way
The Age of Sensibility:
The Age of Sensibility was started in 1745 and ended in 1798. This age was also called age of Johnson. Dr. Samuel Johnson was the main writer in this period. The writers of this age mainly emphasized sense, reason, feeling, original genius. Also in this age, a sense that prefers instinct, feeling and original genius to New-Classical balance, restraint and perfection became dominant.
Some key Literary features of Age of Sensibility:
- The heroic couplet declined and the ballad and lyric revived.
- Often use of Pindaric ode.
- The Rise of literary and middle class, the development of industry and commerce, the rise of political parties and democracy created problems and conditions that demanded expressions for which poetry was inadequate and so that, prose flowrished.
- Imitation of classicism came to an end towards the end of this age.
Famous Writers of this period:
- Dr. Samuel Johnson
- Goethe
- Henry Fieldning
- Oliver Goldsmith
- Thomas Gray
- Edmund Burke
- Edward Gibbon
- Lindley Murray
- Herasim Lebedeff
- Sir Walter Scott
- Herold J Laski
- Adam Smith
- Nathaniel Brassey Halhed
- William Carey
- Rousseau
- Voltaire
- Samuel Richardson
- Edmund Burke
- R.B. Sheridan
- William Collings
Famous Literary works in this Period:
- A preface to Shakespeare
- Rasselas: Prince of Abissinia
- Life of the English Poets
- The Vaity of Human Wishes
- Faust
- The Sorrows of Young Werther
- The Tragedy of Tragedies
- The Temple Beau
- The Modern Husband
- The Mock Doctor
- The Miser
- Rape Upon Rape
- Tom Jones
- Amelia
- Joseph Andrews
- The Citizen of the World
- The Vicar of Wakefield
- The Deserted Village
- The Good Natured Man
- She Stoops to Conquer
- The Traveller
- An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
- The Hermit
- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
- Reflection on the Revolution in France
- The decline and Fall of Roman Empire
- Patriotism
- The Lady of the Lake
- Waverley
- Talisman
- A Grammar of Politics
- A Grammar of Bengal Language
- The Social Contract
- Emile
- Julie
- Discourse on the Origin and Foundation of Inequility
- Candide
- Zaire
- Essays on Morals
- Spirit of Nations
- Persian Epilogues
- The Diana
- The School of Scandal
- The Rivals
- The Critic
- Speech on East India Bill or Mr. Fox's East India Bill
- On American Taxation
- Speech on Conciliation with America
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