Grameen Bank Paragraph in English | Learning The Easy Way


Grameen Bank

The Grameen Bank is a rural bank in Bangladesh. It provides credit to the rural poor people. It is a micro-credit organization. It was founded by Dr. Muhammad Yunus. At first, Dr. Muhammad Yunus began his action research project at Jobra village in Chittagong in 1976. In 1983, Grameen Bank was established by government order as a specialized financial institution. It has now spread all over the world. There are many purposes of Grameen Bank. Firstly, to extend banking facilities to poor men and women. Secondly, to eliminate the exploitation of the money-lenders. thirdly to create opportunities for self-employment. There are some rules and regulations for taking loans from Grameen Bank. Only the poor and landless people are eligible for getting loans. They are advised to make the best use of the loan money. However, The Grameen Bank is a unique financial institution in Bangladesh. It has many achievements. It has won many international prizes. Dr. Mohammad Yunus and The Grameen Bank jointly won the prestigious Nobel Prize in 2006 for peace. Grameen Bank has brought about a revolutionary change in the rural economy of Bangladesh. So, we are proud of Grameen Bank.

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