Bad side / Problem Paragraphs | All in One | Learning The Easy Way


Bad side / Problem  Paragraphs
  • Load Shedding
  • Traffic Jam
  • Price Hike
  • Global Warming
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Deforestation
  • Pollution
  • Environment Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Sound Pollution
  • Arsenic Pollution
  • River Pollution
  • Copying in the Exam.
  • Population Problem
  • Unemployment Problem
  • Illiteracy Problem
  • Corruption
  • Acid Throwing
  • Eve- Teasing
  • Coronavirus Disease
  • Dengue Fever

Format of Bad sides or Problem Paragraphs:

In our day to day life we are facing new kinds of problems. At present, ……………………………… problem is one of them. It has become a major problem in our country / World. 

1. …………………..means………………………………………

2. There are many causes of.............................................................
Firstly,……………is the major reason behind……………………..
Secondly,… another reason behind…………………..

3. The bad effects of…………………………………are beyond description.

4. However, this problem must be solved. Some measures can be taken to control …………………
We need to grow public awareness and the government should come forward and take proper steps to reduce ……………………..

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