A Birthday Party Paragraph in English | Learning The Easy way


A Birthday Party

A person's birthday is the date when the person was born. When the person celebrates this day then it is called a birthday party. It is a special day. People around the world celebrate a birthday party in different ways. People celebrate a birthday party with a cake. There are candles on the cake. There is one candle for each year of the person's life. People sing "Happy birthday to you" for the person. At the end of the song, the person blows out the candles. The person's friends come to the home. There is special food, like sweets. The children play games and sing. The friends often bring a birthday gift for the person. The gifts are wrapped in colorful paper. The gift may be a toy, a book or some clothes. At a birthday party, the most important thing is to enjoy the day and spend time with friends and family.

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