Lord of the Flies (Novel) by William Golding | Characters list & Short discussion | Loserark.com

Characters Lists: 

There are so many characters in the Lord of the Flies. These are the following:

  • Ralph
  • Simon
  • Jack
  • Piggy
  • Roger
  • Samneric
  • littluns
  • Maurice
  • Robert
  • Percival Wemys Madison
  • Johnny
  • Henry

Short discussion of these characters:

Ralph is the main protagonist of "Lord of the Flies" novel. He is the hero of this novel. He is twelve years old English boy. He is elected leader of marooned boys on the island. He is not strong but he has good looks. He is also not smart but he has a strong personality. He is the most civilized character in this novel. He represents the political tradition of liberal democracy with his strong commitment to justice and equality.

Simon is the most sensitive character in this novel. He has a deep relationship with nature. He is a brave boy because he often alone walks in the jungle. He is only the boy who has the courage to investigate the fearful creature sighted in the mountain. He represents the spiritual side of human nature.

Jack is the antagonist of this novel. He becomes the leader of the hunters. He is very cruel. He is always busy with hunting and killing pigs. He is wild and barbaric. He always creates anarchy. He represents the instinct of savagery within human beings.

Piggy is the intellectual boy on the island in this novel. He is the lieutenant of Ralph. He is sick. He suffers from asthma. He does not like his nickname. Piggy's nickname symbolically connects him to the pigs on this island. He becomes the target of Jack's and his hunters. At last, Piggy's death leaves Ralph. He represents the scientific, rational side of civilization.

Roger is another cruel character in this novel. He is a clever and secretive old boy. He is like Jack. He murders Piggy.

The twin boys in this novel. One is Sam and another is Eric. The other boys pronounce their two names as one word "Samneric".

Litttluns is the group of little boys in this novel. They are around six years old or up. They stayed with Ralph during the rebellion.

Maurice is one of Jack's hunters. He represents mindless people in our society.

Percival Wemys Madison:
Percival Wemys Madison is a Littlun. He has a nervous breakdown.

Johnny is one of the smallest "Litttluns" in this novel.

Henry is one of the biggest "Littluns" in this novel.

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